Taiwan’s 2050 Net Zero Emissions Pathway

Scientific evidence has confirmed that the impact of climate change is already quite urgent, and the climate issue has attracted great attention from the international community. In response to the global trend of net zero, President Tsai declared on World Earth Day, April 22, 2021, that the 2050 net zero transition is the goal of the whole world, and also the goal of Taiwan.

In March 2022, Taiwan officially announced the “Taiwan 2050 Net Zero Emissions Pathway and Strategy General Description”, which provides a trajectory and action pathway to 2050 to promote technology, research and innovation in key areas, guide the green transformation of industries, and drive a new wave of economic growth, and to promote green financing and increased investment at various key milestones to ensure a fair and convergent transition period.


Our 2050 net-zero emissions pathway will be based on four major transformations: “energy transformation,” “industrial transformation,” “life transformation,” and “social transformation,” and two major governance foundations: “research and development in science and technology” and “climate law,” complemented by “12 key strategies” to develop action plans in key areas of expected growth in energy, industry, and life transformation policies to achieve the goal of net-zero transformation.

  • To promote economic growth, promote private investment, create green jobs, achieve energy independence, and enhance social welfare by building a competitive, sustainable, resilient, and secure transition strategy and governance foundation. The “2050 Net Zero Transformation” is not only about competitiveness, but also about environmental sustainability, and must lay the foundation for long-term stability in order to leave a better country to the young people.

<News Source: Taiwan National Development Council Press Release>

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